Friday, May 13, 2016

Cancer Research Pie Chart Showing the Causes of Cancer

According to the World Health Organization, Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients. The term malnutrition covers 2 broad groups of conditions. One is ‘undernutrition’—which includes stunting (low height for age), wasting (low weight for height), underweight (low weight for age) and micronutrient deficiencies or insufficiencies (a lack of important vitamins and minerals). The other is overweight, obesity and diet-related noncommunicable diseases (such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer). 

Studies have shown that Diet trumps Tobacco as the leading cause of Cancer. However, according to cancer-prevention pioneer Dr. William Li of the Angiogenesis Foundation, the "problem" is not in what you eat but rather, what is actually missing or lacking in your diet (Poor Nutrition). The chart above was presented at TED Talk Long Beach, California in 2010.

The cancer-prevention diet is already known by most scientists and doctors and no less than the National Institute of Health has already been promoting the adoption of 10 to 12 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. The problem however is we simply don't eat them. This is largely due to ignorance and an environment filled with processed food. Cancer is therefore an unnecessary risk considering the simple solution against it and the dire consequences physically, emotionally and financially incurred if you acquire it.

Autopsy Studies of people who died in car accidents have shown that 40% of women between the age of 40 and 50 have microscopic cancers in their breasts; 50% of men between 50 and 60 years of age have microscopic cancers in their prostate; 100% of us when we reach our 70's have microscopic cancers in our thyroid. Clearly the risk of having cancer is present in all of us.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Dr.Oz: Prevent the Disease that We Fear Most (Low Resolution Video)

Excerpts from the Episode "Antioxidant All-Stars" of the Dr. Oz Show which aired May 2011. The show used the Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner S2 Everest Edition to scan the Skin Carotenoid Scores of all the members of the audience. Dr. Oz, who strictly follows the diet recommended by the National Institute of Health ("NIH"), topped the BioScan. Antioxidants absorbed from food at the NIH recommended levels have been clinically proven to reduce the risks of acquiring degenerative disease. However, many doctors are against the use of antioxidant supplements, and with good reason, since these do not actually "supplement". People taking these kinds of "supplements" have consistently failed the Biophotonic Scanner. Are you using some of them? Find out with what Dr. Oz calls the "Ultimate Nutritional Lie Detector Test".

Following the NIH recommended diets do pose a lot of practical challenges for people and as shown in the video above, more than half of the audience (a sample population) do not observe them. Proper supplementation therefore would be the only viable option medically and practically. Such supplements should demonstrate an ability to improve BioScan scores since these are after all supposed to be supplementing "inadequate" diets. People should note also that fruits and vegetables have an antioxidant network that creates food synergy to increase BioScan scores. Most supplements in the market do not have a network of antioxidants and consequently fail the BioScan. Moreover, according to the National Cancer Institute, "single" vitamins and minerals have no cancer prevention properties. Hence distinction must be made as to the break-through research done on diets containing an antioxidant network that prevent cancer and "single" vitamins and minerals like vitamin E and beta-carotene that have been shown to not prevent cancer.

Special guest star was cancer-prevention pioneer William Li, M.D., President of the Angiogenesis Foundation. Dr. Li became the audience's favorite speaker at TED Talk Longbeach California in 2010 with his presentation, "Can we EAT to STARVE cancer?".

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Knowing the Score: Is your BODY Losing the War against Silent Killers?

*The Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner is not for sale. Ask the person who referred you to this blog on how to get your baseline Skin Carotenoid Score (SCS) and start taking charge of your health today.

Dr. Lester Packer, known in the scientific community as the Father of Antioxidant Theory, was briefly interviewed in the above video. He has extensively researched the use of the Biophotonic Scanner in improving health by measuring Skin Carotenoid Scores. He explains the importance of the score in this short article. Click Here to Download.

“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live.”

Richard Cutler, MD,
Director of Anti-Aging Research,
National Institute of Health

“Low levels of antioxidant vitamins may increase the risk of several chronic diseases.” 

Journal of American Medical Association,
June 19th, 2002

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

TED Talk Dr. William Li: Can we EAT to STARVE Cancer?

Delivered at TED Talk, Long Beach California, February 2010.

Dr. William Li is pursuing solutions to cancer by regulating angiogenesis which is not connected in any way to Nu Skin's and Pharmanex's own study about the Biophotonic Scanner and Antioxidants. According to Dr. Li, abnormal angiogenesis is controlled by a diet rich in antioxidants. Eating fruits and vegetables laced with antioxidants will starve "naturally occurring" microscopic cancer tumors and prevent their progression to end stage cancer. According to Dr. Li, this would be a more sensible approach since chemotherapy is beyond the means of most people all over the world and when people do resort to chemotherapy, it is usually already too late.

Monday, May 9, 2016

A Doctor's Review of the Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner

Presented by Louis B. Cady, M.D.

If you are medically trained or technically inclined, you can opt to read Dr. Cady's white paper on the Biophotonic Scanner. Download "The Cady White Paper"

You can also visit which is the medical resource prepared by an independent distributor for The Biophotonic Scanner Wellness Program.